

About the Sacred Meditation:  We will discuss the different plants and determine which plant is most appropriate for your experience.  A transpersonal experience is the reality a person enters when they transcend their everyday default reality and the conditioned confines that structure this reality into the material world we live in, giving us a schedule with seasons, across the lifespan of time, with fixed truths and absolutes, and limitation, duality, and attachment to permanence.

The session takes a person beyond third dimensional awareness and their five-sensory limited ability, and into the spiritual realms that connect every living being, species, and form of life. Through transpersonal experiences voyages have greater ability to move through dimensions, time and space, points in history and in the future, other life times, parallel realities, micro and macro worlds, and to experience different aspects of their own life from varying vantage points.

Transpersonal experiences give temporary access to greater power. Often people can see through their third eye (eyes closed or not). Voyagers might experience superhuman abilities and become or feel: psychic, telepathic, clairvoyant, omnipresent, or in touch with the infinite divine self. A person might learn how to manipulate energy flows, use telescopic vision, hear sounds below 20 hz, feel the molecules in their body moving separately, or one might tap into suppressed emotional energy from within self or another.

In deeper experiences clients might talk about: exploring different territories of their mind and psyches, experiencing a life review, seeing truths behind the veil of greater society and civil conditioning, unique lessons about human nature, the natural world, art, philosophy, history and natural sciences, encounters with the physical and spiritual world, meetings with passed loved ones, ancestors, angels, spirit beings, masters, archetypal being or deity figures, God and Goddesses, visits to mythological realms or other places on earth, extrasensory perceptions or super-normal abilities, out of body states, death and rebirth experiences, cosmic consciousness, etc. (Stan Grof, 2001).

In the transpersonal realms everything will look, feel and be different. It can be very uncomfortable and sometimes feel like a frightening place to be until a person learns how to acclimate. In process and practice, voyagers will develop trust in the intelligence and love of the plants, and be able to acclimate and surrender to the experience a little easier.

We are here to support you and to assist with the uncharted and unfamiliar territory.


*If you are looking for a “Guru” “or a “Healer”

 then we are probably not for you!

*If you are looking for someone to manipulate your energy field,

 then we are probably not for you!

*If you’re looking for an easy non active and non participatory mode of healing,

 then we are most likely not for you! 

~ If you are open to the idea of stepping up into your own full embodiment

 of self awareness and ultimately self healing, then we most likely are for you!

  • We will be here to empower you to consciously awaken the Shaman within!
  • We will provide the safe, humble, honest and caring space to support you on your journey of healing, exploration and expansion. If this resonates with you then we might be just for you to explore from within.
  • We realize there are a lot of narratives and fearful scenarios floating about. It is our belief that we create our realities through our belief patterns.
  •  The experience it is an internal process that externalizes itself. Maybe if we can feel truly safe in our hearts and that the Universe supports us and
  • everything put into our field of view is for our highest good and growth then we can release any held fears about the future.
  • We encourage you to live in the present Now, and to be in a grateful mindset.
  • We can be held and supported with great love and abundance and by reframing negative events, as opportunities to radically forgive, radically love and radically shift into a new way of Being, then we can Elevate.
  • We came here to Experience it all, and all we really have control over, by our own actions and reactions.
  • Let us become more stable and grounded together as we head into this more unstable time.
  • We can help hold the fabric of humanity together through our own healing and becoming an example of peace for others.
  • The plants would love to help us!  Are you ready to self realize.
  • We will encourage the use of our breath, sound, song, scent, movement and sharing as a means to shift and transmute old energy patterns.
  • We incorporate breathwork, shaking and meditation as a means to calm any nervous tendencies coming into ceremony.